Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunset triumph

Gorgeous fall sunset

singes away the edges

of the menacing storm clouds.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's How you Lived

“It’s Not Who you Knew, and It’s Not What you Did …

It’s how you lived.” These words come from a song made popular by a Ouachita-born singing group, Point of Grace. There’s so much truth here. Only a few of us will ever invent something so valuable that our name is remembered. Some will be associated with a famous person, a smattering will have more than our own fifteen minute share of fame. So, how will we be remembered?

My husband’s father would not be considered famous by any stretch of the definition of that word. But, well known, well respected, well thought of? Of course. How does a person with a seemingly ordinary life accomplish this? It’s how you live.

As a young man, he established a reputation. He was the tall, smiling one with a full head of hair and James-Deanish good looks. His friends and younger relatives knew he was always up for an adventure, willing to do anything to help someone else. Not reckless, just fearless. If it needed doing, R.V. would do it.

In his work life, this tendency grew. As a timber worker, he was one of the biggest, strongest, and hardest working men any employer could hope for. Foul weather, injuries, lack of food or water, no worries. He just kept going till the job was finished.

During his career as a delivery truck driver, he became known for taking what was needed from one point to the other with no complaints. He was the one who could get the truck into and out of impossible spots, up roads that couldn’t even really be called that. His customers were glad to see him coming, and often rewarded him with home baked treats and friendly conversation. On longer trips, his wife accompanied him, making sure he followed all the rules of the road. Once more, no complaints. He truly enjoyed her company.

His family and friends know all of this, because he loved to talk about it. His stories included minute details that most of us would discard as un-important. To R.V., every measurement, ever price he paid, every date and time was part of the rich fabric of his life. No event was too small to make a good tale.

Sixty years of steady companionship with the love of his life created a pattern that all who knew them still strive to follow. They made it look easy, and paraphrasing a verse from the book of Romans (12:10) they were kindly affectioned , and honorably preferred each other.

His children and grandchildren looked up (literally) to him as a firm, reliable example of a Christian father. He never criticized, but often richly praised their accomplishments. For concerts, contests and award ceremonies, he was in the front row, with a huge, proud smile. “That’s my boy (or girl)” was written all over his face, displayed on his wall and even on the bumper of his truck. He was the first one they called with good news, because they knew he’d love hearing it.

As a member of the community and leader at his Church, he could be depended on for whatever was required. During the construction of his congregation’s new building, the members purchased a set of tires for his truck. He had literally burned up the road going back and forth to bring the necessary supplies. His caring attention to detail shows in the fine facility they still call home.

Some men have a hard time communicating. On the contrary, R.V. loved to talk, and loved to listen. He wanted to be up to date on the happenings in your life, and shared every detail of his. We expected to talk to him every day, and more than once on football game days. His “How bout them Hawgs (or Hornets)” phone calls are legendary in our family.

So, when the last chapter of your story is written, how will others remember you? That dash between beginning and end dates on your headstone will tell it all. It’s how you lived.

Dedicated with love to R.V. Carlisle 10-29-1925 to 10-04-2009.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Changes to the New Model

Checking the Window Sticker for the Latest Changes

The deal was too good for my husband to resist. He’d never seen his trusty old truck as a clunker, until he realized he could trade it in on something brand new and actually make a profit after driving it for seven years and over 200,000 miles. He’s been enjoying all the bells and whistles on his “oh-ten” for several weeks now.

Each year, I notice that features and accessories of my own seem to vary a little. Things that I used to require are now less important, and the list of standard features- things I can’t live without- is modified. Here’s my own list for this year-details on other models will vary.

            First, some things that used to be a big part of my life are now quite optional.

  • Hair color: I stressed the need to keep some semblance of my youth on top of my head for over 15 years. Now, I’m happy with the salt and pepper (heavy on the salt).

  • Address book: Couldn’t function without phone numbers, addresses for everyone I know. Quick emails have replaced long, newsy letters. I can call them now with a quick scroll down my cell phone list, and the GPS will find them wherever they move.

  • Desserts and junk food: Since hubby and I resolved to eat healthier, our habits have changed. My apologies to the car-hops at the local drive-in.

  • Hand sanitizer: I’m sure this is a very popular item for many in view of the recent flu scare. For me, nothing replaces Ivory soap and water. I did spill a small bottle of the stuff in the bottom of my purse recently, so all my extra pens and old shopping lists are now well sterilized.

Here, however is the new list of standard features, necessary for the current version of Jenny McC.

  • Tea kettle: More than ever, I need it for a hot cup or an icy glass of freshly brewed tea, and for instant oatmeal. Comfort food at my house comes with a whistle.

  • Fiber: I’ll spare you the gory details. Suffice it to say that more beans than potatoes, healthy breakfast cereals, and a handful of nuts added to almost everything make my day so much better!

  • Loaded exercise bag: If I always have my workout clothes handy, I’m more likely to stop for a visit to my favorite Curves. Music plus movement equals good medicine.

  • Counted cross-stitch: I can’t explain why this relaxes me. Concentrating on minute details, after a day of technical training? Go figure. But without a project in process all the time, I’m at a loss.

  • Reading glasses: Official Granny glasses perched on the end of my nose are vital for the above mentioned craft, as well as any kind of reading (including labels at the grocery store).

  • Digital camera: I’ve finally left my 35 millimeter behind. Now, I can download, upload and email with the best of them.

  • Makeup: Now necessary unless I’m okay with looking old and tired. In particular: mascara. My eyelashes seem to be disappearing. At least now I have something in common with Brooke Shields!

  • Comfortable shoes: Looks don’t matter much in this department. Without a firm foundation, I don’t make it far.

  • Daily Bible reading: Formerly just an accessory carried to church each Sunday, I now look forward to a few quiet moments with my favorite book. That daily dose of truth seems to cut through all the flotsam and jetsam that are bound to follow.

So, with no fanfare, you now have a picture of the latest, new and improved Ouachita Life columnist. Hopefully, there will be enough of interest on this list to keep a former clunker owner looking forward to next year, instead of thinking about trading me in!