Just Do It!
The title of my column, “Turn, Turn, Turn” always holds more meaning for me as a cold Arkansas winter gives way to spring. To everything there is a season, and in my opinion, spring is the best one. Hopeful jonquils begin to dot our yards, and the birds greet us each morning with selections from their cheery repertoire.
After dreaming and plotting while stoking the fireplace for weeks, it’s time to poke our heads out of the house and face the sunshine.
I suppose I’ve had a little bit of a problem getting projects completed for most of my life. I can’t count the number of times I heard my mama’s admonishment to “Get mad at it, and get it done.” This was usually during a chore like washing dishes, mopping the floor, or cleaning my room. It’s not that I didn’t want to do the job, I just tend to be a dawdler and a procrastinator. It doesn’t even have anything to do with how much I enjoy the task, it’s just a speed bump I have to overcome.
My youngest grandson apparently doesn’t have any hesitation or timidity built into his little fifteen month old body. Just last week, he took advantage of his mother’s diverted attention to create his first artistic masterpiece in front of the kitchen pantry. In the space of just a minute or two, he managed to open the cabinet door, select some colorful spices and icing tubes, and decorate himself and the room quite lavishly. When Mom turned his way, he was quite proud of his accomplishment. She reports that it was difficult to squelch her laughter long enough to put on the required stern disciplinary face.
As we get older, some of that impulsiveness leaves us, especially when our early efforts have un-intended or even painful results. So, we tend to ponder things a little longer, weighing options and studying all the angles.
At a relatively young age, I met the man that God had intended for me to spend the rest of my life with. Even though my own family history didn’t speak well for happy marriages, we were determined to change that pattern. We didn’t dwell on the negatives too long, and plunged in before either of us was twenty years old. Absolutely no regrets.
Our children have shown a willingness to “go for it” themselves. The oldest recognized that even after working for a college degree, his career path was not leading where he wanted. So, with his wife at his side, he changed locations, tested his management skills in a new field, and finally found his niche. Now, the two of them are making a difference in the lives of some kids who would otherwise have fallen between the cracks of society. And their own children have a great example to follow.
The second son also made a bold move by re-locating 20 hours away from home to pursue the career he’d wanted since he was a small boy. With no acquaintances outside of work, he looked for a church and a Razorback club, and soon met his own life partner. I’m sure he remembers how tough those first days were, but without the courage to step out of his comfort zone, his life would be vastly different.
Now, the youngest and her husband are taking the huge step of buying their first house. Though still young, they have paid their dues in apartments, and along the way learned to scrimp and save. With two incomes coming in, they decided the time to hesitate was past. The place they found seems perfect for their little family, with a fenced in yard for the young adventurer mentioned above, and his older and wiser brother.
Do all of our decisions turn out this well? Of course not. But I admire those who have the courage to try: to make that bold move after reasonable preparation. Lessons can be learned from the mis-steps, making the next venture a little easier.
As for me- I’m looking into expanding my writing into a future career. There have been years of learning, discussing, praying for direction. There will be no overnight success stories here, but when the time comes, I’ll be ready. And you’ll be among the first to hear!
Enjoy the sunshine, and let me hear from you by writing to Ouachita Life, or commenting on my blog at jennycarlisle.net.