Something you might not know - I was actually the official
Bryant Junior Miss for 1975. Well, at least by default. Here, as Paul Harvey
would say, is the rest of the story. My high school sponsored a pageant each
year, which was affiliated with the national Junior Miss program, a
well-respected scholarship contest of the time. The winner of our pageant went
on to win a regional pageant, which meant the runner up became Bryant’s Junior
Miss. This lovely young lady also won a regional contest. Both participated in
the State contest, held that year at Robinson Auditorium in Little Rock. Because
of their regional wins, neither wore the title of Bryant’s Junior Miss at that
event. I had been the second runner-up. So, logically, the vacant title
belonged to me, right? I laughingly
mentioned this forgotten detail at our class reunion, and my sweet classmates
awarded me with an overdue tiara.
So, what may you ask, is the big deal with a title, even
when a tiara comes along with it? To many young ladies, that title represents
recognition for a lot of hard work. Girls love to be reminded how pretty they
are, but to be judged the prettiest is not easy. Our pageant in Bryant included
several musical numbers, demonstrations of talent by each contestant, and a
“runway walk” to show grace and poise in formal dress. The audience at the
evening performance saw all of this, but they weren’t present for the interview
process held earlier. I remember being very nervous, and also that I was
required to purchase a pair of gloves for the occasion. Easier to find in the
mid-seventies than they would be now, but still out of my comfort zone for
Like any competition, pageants can become all-consuming and
overdone. I certainly don’t endorse some of the gyrations that parents put
their children through all for the sake of winning. Pageant Moms can be every
bit as bad as Little League Dads. But, for young people who really display an
interest, and parents who are supportive without being pushy, contests of all
kinds can be a character building experience for all involved.
Local pageants in particular celebrate the culture of their
area. In agricultural areas, they usually emphasize the most prominent crop.
So, we end up with Watermelon and Pink Tomato Queens in Arkansas, and in Florida,
Strawberry Queens. On a trip to the Plant City, Florida one year, we attended
the Strawberry Festival, held on fairgrounds that reminded us of the State
Fairgrounds in Little Rock. One display in a large exhibit hall held the gowns
of past Strawberry Queens dating back to the 1930s. The local ladies have taken
this thing very seriously for a long time.
There is certainly something to be said for youngsters who
can help the family with their dirty, labor intensive work by day, and then
clean up to don fancy clothes in the evening. It takes a well-rounded young
lady to pull something like that off, for sure. In the Ouachita area, some of
these pageants are held around livestock shows, so horsemanship becomes one of
the judging criteria. A few years ago, we helped some ladies to select just the
right cowgirl attire for the Conway County Fair Queen pageant. Glamour,
glitter, boots and hats combine to produce some great results too!
When our daughter was three, our hometown of Shannon Hills
held a beauty pageant as part of their Fourth of July celebration. This was no
easy feat, as a couple dozen moms and little girls were required to compete in
fancy dresses and swimsuits, as well as preparing a short talent demonstation.
At that age, the costume changes alone are a major accomplishment. The local
cable TV channel “streamed” the proceedings live, and the ordeal (oh, sorry, I
mean the contest) will live in our memories forever. This is certainly the stuff
of family legends!
Most recently, our grand-daughter participated in the
pageant at the Fourche River Days held at the Perry County Fairgrounds. Girls
from the age of seven months to 15 years smiled, waved and posed to the delight
of parents and grandparents. Our nine-year-old coveted the crown itself, but
she learned that they don’t just pass those sparkly treasures out to everyone
who registers. She is beginning to appreciate the pain and effort that goes
into winning any competition.
The lesson in all of this- Anything worth having is worth
working for. Congratulations to area youth and their parents who are showing
off their varied talents and competing in so many different ways. The prizes
won are worth the effort, and you will be stronger for it. Even if your tears
mess up your makeup a little bit in the process.