most parents, I will never forget the feeling of holding each of my children
for the first time. There was a huge sense of relief, both physical and
emotional, as I counted fingers and toes, and rejoiced in feeling that precious
puff of breath coming out of tiny nostrils. It was a new kind of love, like
nothing I had ever felt before, but tinged with anticipation and even a healthy
dose of fear for the adventure that was looming ahead.
later, the feeling of holding a brand new grandchild was similar, but
different. There was button-popping pride for the journey of my child, this
little one’s parent. Pure, unadulterated joy as I felt this precious little
bundle filling my hands. But, this time, no fear. On the contrary, I felt only
happy anticipation, knowing that while I would be around to help, the
responsibility for the scary stuff ahead rested on someone else’s shoulders.
the grace of God, my husband and I have experienced this grand feeling four
times (so far). Each of these little bundles of joy has developed into a unique
individual, and provided us with constant entertainment.
first, born a little over twelve years ago came along when his mom (our
daughter) and his dad were very young.
His arrival cemented their bond, and they set out to prove to the world that
they had all the right stuff to be very good parents. Grandson number one has
always been extremely interested in how things work. Before he could talk, he
imitated the sound and motion of the automatic garage door. Instead of using building blocks only to make
tall towers and watching as they tumbled down, he constructed “airports”
complete with runways. Empty shoeboxes and Scotch tape were the perfect
building materials, and his imagination and creativity were limitless. Later,
his Lego set was used to create ocean liners and spaceships. His laptop
provided a way to create arrival and departure schedules. We are all very sure that he is on his way to
a career in engineering.
number two helped his mom and dad (our
oldest son) prove something as well. It took a lot of hard work, sacrifice and
prayers when he arrived during his dad’s senior year in college. This one was
the family’s super hero, very comfortable in a mask and cape. Nowadays, he
loves to talk about monsters of the deep, and all things that live under the
ocean. He lives for adventure and danger, on television and in real life. He
conquered a ruptured appendix this year and came back to bring home a trophy in
baseball. Scuba diving and marine
biology seem to lurk in his future.
year and a half later, we welcomed number two’s little sister, the family’s new
princess. Dainty and feminine from the
beginning, she waited until her third birthday to do much talking, but has not
stopped to take a breath since. Her favorite color, of course is pink. Purses,
shoes, dresses, jewelry, and when proper, a good tiara will always make her
smile. She loves growing flowers, and helping out in the kitchen. As the
younger sister to a rough and tough boy, she certainly holds her own, and keeps
the family organized. She will be the CEO of someone’s company, and a great
wife and mommy at the same time.
Grandson number one was seven years old, his little brother arrived to remind
his family how to have fun. Nicknamed Pogo because of his constant bouncing, he
seems to be always on the go. His best friend has been Mickey Mouse since a very
early trip to Orlando. Since Mom works
from home, he has learned to entertain himself, which can lead to big
adventures with his canine playmates if she averts her gaze for more than a few
seconds. This one is also super
considerate, and one of his first full sentences was repeated as my hubby and I
left for work. “Have a good day, Granny and Grandpa.” His future career will be
as personal coach and trainer.
our middle son and his wife have not yet added to the family, there is a high
probability that our future grands will be born in the sunshine state of
Florida. This will be perfectly fine with Granny and Grandpa, as we will mark
our calendars and make reservations for frequent visits. Perhaps, someday we
will even transfer the family headquarters to the peninsula between the gulf
and the Atlantic. Hopeful dreams keep us
has such a perfect plan, and we rejoice to see the blessings of a long and
healthy life. Enjoy those grands this summer, and feel free to brag on them by
sending your letters to me in care of Ouachita Life, or on my blog at
Testing comments.
Love it, Sis, as usual!
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